The entire animation was created using just 3-4 lights and a single plane in C4D. Then made small worlds with small variations but keeping a concise and simple construct: One object and 4 lights.

The result demonstrates how limiting the tools can expand what we can achieve.

Creative Direction by Clarisa Valdez
Soundtrack by Alejandro Merodio


Roles: Art / Animation Direction, Design and Animation.

A cinematic and creative journey with a small team, and yes, cinematic lights. The RD started by following Clarisa’s lead and researching a visual approach that fit her vision.

After a few explorations, I kept it simple and achieved something that clicked just right with the direction: lights.

  • Creating the PIANO world with just 3 lights and 1 plane.

  • One of the routes considered was to make everything B/W and playing with patterns + noises to represent what would be the RGB offset if you could perceive the frame in color.

  • We tried adding a Piano within this approach, eventho it looked interesting, it didn’t make the cut and we shortly move into working further with colors.

  • After developing this frame, it gave me the idea of just using lights in with the shape of each letter.

Creative / Design Direction by Clarisa Valdez
Art Direction / Design / Animation by Juan Behrens
Soundtrack by Alejandro Merodio




Digital Design Days